

Role Played by Cloud Computing to Make Businesses Better for SMBs

Regardless of the size of your business, cloud computing can be extremely helpful. Most of the small to medium sized businesses are held privately with the ownership spanning across multiple generations. Most of these businesses are focused on the niche markets or a discrete set of consumers. The small to medium-sized businesses also tend to concentrate resources on the prime business objectives. Since they do not have so much time to spend on the infrastructure and the IT systems associated with the maintenance of the high-end software and hardware systems, Cloud has acquired a significant position for the small to medium sized business houses.

Cloud services are extremely helpful for the smaller organizations as they bring down the IT resources as well as the time spent in its management. With the aid of cloud, reliance on hardware and software is brought down substantially and the small to medium-sized businesses can take advantage of the scalability, flexibility, availability, security and reliability of the cloud.

Here are some top cloud services used by the small to medium sized business houses.

  • E-commerce, web and application hosting
  • Recovery and backup services
  • IT support and help desk
  • Customer relationship management
  • Financial management
  • Marketing
  • Product and project management
  • Human resources and operations

Usage of the cloud allows to save time, helping to focus on the new opportunities. For most businesses, moving to the cloud is one of the best ways to save cost allowing companies reinvest the money and use it to take other initiatives. Several cloud-based ERP software is available for the real estate industry now helping to accrue multiple advantages.

What Does Cloud Mean?

Cloud computing can be defined as “a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.” To summarize, cloud computing allows to access information using the internet.

Cloud Services Used by the Business Owners

Businesses chiefly use three different types of services for data storage and provide with the services private, public and hybrid.

The public cloud services are built on an external platform. With the aid of this off-site service, the users can access cloud within shared infrastructure.

Private cloud service is built within four walls. As private cloud is managed by an internal team, it is perfect for businesses who need exclusive access and more control and flexibility.

The hybrid cloud services employ both the private as well as the public clouds. In the hybrid cloud systems, the IT team of the organization will manage some part on-site and the other parts will be managed off-site.

Advantages of Using Cloud Platforms

  • Saves cost
  • Ensures mobility
  • Betters security
  • Ensures scalability
  • Heightens round the clock security
  • Betters integration

A significant percentage of small businesses have adopted cloud computing today. Don’t let your small business be left behind. Embrace cloud computing to help your business reach the next level.

Posted On : October 5, 2016