ERP to benefit Construction Industry the Most
How can an ERP benefit the Construction Industry? This business has unending challenges coming their way. One of them is cost estimation, which if properly done reduces overheads and expenses. As the project span is for many years it is difficult to align project and actual cost. The challenge is even bigger with the volume of the project.
In case of large construction companies, around 30-40 projects run concurrently. Initially departments maintain files with help of excel charts. Now no more such tracking. Things have become easier with birth of Construction ERP . It helps companies in integrating all business processes and data with separate modules to manage basic functional areas.
Before ERP entering the market, collection and collation was done manually. This creates power centers within the company. This makes it difficult to estimate real-time cost of different projects. In fact such difficulties has given birth to the demand for an ERP. It connects all the functions as well as the projects to a database system that is maintained centrally.
The modules are implemented in phases. Financial, Marketing, materials, accounting , project planning and control are the major modules. The others are executed later on. The application is customized as per the requirement or to meet the needs of the construction company. For example the marketing module enables company to send information to all its customers whenever a new project is launched. It helps to track and pre and post sale activities. This has made it easy to plan and forecast the demand with ease.